Rookie mistake you say? Ah, yes. And I will tell you what it was. Because, see, I am willing to be your cautionary tale, even though I am convinced none of you would fall for that one. The mistake was, and I really can't believe I made it the fourth time around, upon returning home from the hospital, to confuse the meds working with me actually feeling well enough to jump into the thick of it while lapsing with the taking of the aforementioned meds. You know what anti-inflammatory drugs are good for? Turns out, reducing inflammation. Who knew, right? Probably the doctors writing me the script for ibuprofen that I was sent home with. And, of course, every single one of you. And, theoretically, me. Practically though, by discharge physically I felt pretty darned good, which is likely why my brain, busy processing all the rest of everything, forgot to mention to itself that the chief reason for me feeling fine was likely that the meds were doing what they were supposed to be doing. So unnecessarily long story short, I didn't take the meds for a bit after coming home, which made the inflammation worse, which then sat me on my ass for a while. Which actually was extremely uncomfortable for most of that time due to the selfsame inflammation.
The little girl though, is lovely, upright holding and curdled milk and all. In the picture she is holding the first cucumber of the season. Which was delicious. And a bright spot in the whole aspiring gardner saga. (Yes, a post of woe and lament on the garden blighted is forthcoming. Possibly with pictures.) What is even sadder than withering tomato plants is the fact that I took and even uploaded the picture above while the month on the calendar was still July, which means it was well over a week ago. And in that whole time I couldn't find the time to put together a post. Pathetic. What's worse is the state of my reader and a number of tabs my browser has open from, I believe, all the way back to our first week home-- I read some posts that week (primarily while breastfeeding, on a precariously balanced laptop) that I wanted to respond to thoughtfully. Like I said, the tabs are still open (long live restore all tabs feature). Hopefully, I can get that and the reader taken care of soon. Because I also have a whole lot to say. This time is very different from last time, much more different than I expected it to be, and it feels important to talk about it all.
That looks like a perfect pickling cuke! We let ours get huge -- Bella and I made pickles the other day too big to go in the jar, heh. Pickling by Tupperware. Still delicious, though must be eaten.
Funny isn't it, how it's sorta the same motions yet entirely different. What a cutie!
She is beautiful. Congratulations again!
it's so hard, isn't it? I honestly don't know how people do it. it takes so much effort just to keep us all clean(ish) and fed. I haven't had time to read a book in ages. my floors are a mess, and I actually need to clean them because our little one is starting to crawl. yikes. and yes, our poor garden. don't know what I was thinking planting it all, I guess that watering wouldn't be so hard, that I actually enjoy the ritual. but oh man, most days it just doesn't make the cut. just add it to the list of things that won't get done.
I have to say though, as someone who never expected to have a #2 (alive, at home), it is so sweet in so many ways. that I get to do it again just feels like a blessing. and since she was so small for so long, I got some extra baby-ness when I didn't expect it. I remind myself of that daily, when I haven't slept or showered...
Congratulations! She is a beauty! I didn't even know you were expecting but then I haven't looked at my reader in almost a year! I am very happy for you and your family!
She is beautiful! Love those sweet baby legs.
I have been periodically clicking on your blog over the last year and some and had almost resigned myself to another blogger disappearing into the sunset!
So lovely to click over and see you are updating again and with the very best of news.
Congratulations on your new daughter - she is beautiful.
I don't know why but I was reading through my old blog today and reading comments from way back then. I was wondering what happened to you and found this! Congratulations - she's gorgeous :-)
Congratulations! 'Have been been checking in on your blog from time to time via Julia's blog and am thrilled to see your news! Congratulations!! And she is beautiful. ♥
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