Wednesday, September 19, 2007


It went fine. He was professional, but not warm. Even though A came up several times, he never indicated in any way that his stillbirth was any more remarkable or regrettable than any other event in the history of my thyroid dysfunction. Like I said, not warm. But professional, so I did not get the urge to demand equal pay for equal work. He mentioned the study Dr.B first told me about that indicates that there may be benefit to treating me with thyroid hormone for the duration of trying and next pregnancy. To determine whether I would likely benefit, he ordered a bunch of tests, and will call or write with the results. Best news, though, is that there is new research that indicates that taking selenium could prevent post-partum thyroiditis outbreaks. So assuming the tests show what both he and I assume they will show, I am going to be adding more pills to my daily regiment.

In the "that was weird" category, while the appointment started pretty much on time (corrected for filling out fairly minimal paperwork), and ended a reasonable amount of time later, it took me very nearly a full hour to get my blood taken. Seems the lab was short vampires... er, phlebotomists today. I was afraid I would be late to pick up Monkey from school, but I ended up just barely making it.


Phantom Scribbler said...

I'm glad it went OK.

S said...

Sounds like there could be some useful information to come out of today's appointment. Good.

Beruriah said...

Well you sound underwhelmed but it was good progress. Hope those results show you'll likely benefit.

niobe said...

Well, at least it does sound like he knows what he's talking about. So far, anyway.

Bon said...

i'm glad he sounds competent so far...but i'm still sorry he's not "warm", or rather, seems unable to acknowledge you as a human being rather than a case. that sucks. perhaps in time, with him, some relationship will build...but in the meantime, hopefully he will be able to help you get where you want to be, which is all he's for, anyway. ;)

Lori said...

It reminds me a little of the appointment I had with a peri. post-loss. He was professional, imparted information etc... But he never once said "I'm so sorry for your loss." Is that really so hard to say?

meg said...

I'm glad it went o.k. today, Julia. It does sound like he has an idea of what he's doing--which is good, of course!

I wish all doctors were nice and warm--they should be. But I guess professional is better than nasty (and I know I've certainly experienced that).

Julia said...

Thanks, guys. I am actually hopeful about the possibility of avoiding future rounds of post-partum thyroiditis. It really kicked my ass this year.
Lori, I was wondering that exact thing. Which would be even stranger in a peri. I mean wouldn't he see enough bereaved parents to know that it's not a small thing?